Journeys to Equity
Welcome to CenterForce's Journeys to Equity Podcast, where we explore the inspiring stories of diverse leaders and women who have conquered challenges to achieve remarkable success. Join us as we uncover the pivotal moments and strategies that propelled them forward, offering invaluable insights and tools for driving meaningful change. Tune in to learn from their experiences and accelerate your own journey towards equity and empowerment.
Journeys to Equity
Sabria A. McElroy On Making DE&I a Priority
How Women of Color Can Self-Advocate
In this episode, Sabria A. McElroy, Partner at Boies Schiller Flexner, shares her perspectives on the challenges women and people of color face in the legal industry. She offers her insights on how firms and clients can create change by understanding the importance of the ROI of DE&I. She knows that gaining confidence and overcoming internal struggles were part of her path to success. Sabria also realizes that having the support from senior leadership had a tremendous impact on that success. Here, she shares this experience and offers insight into how and why formal mentorship and sponsorship programs are integral to the long-term survival of any organization.
Tune in for perspectives on:
• Methods on dismantling imposter syndrome and achieving career goals
• The value of white male allies
• How companies can create mentorship and sponsorship policies that encourage the pairing of those that do not look like you.